Doors will be locked when class starts for privacy
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Doors will be locked when class starts for privacy
Not Vertical Fitness NJ Photo
Photo from Active Bungee
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Doors will be locked when class starts for privacy
Doors will be locked when class starts for privacy
Doors will be locked when class starts for privacy
Doors will be locked when class starts for privacy
Looking to expand your lyra and pole knowledge or just try something new? lollipop lyra combines two favorite aerial apparatuses, pole and aerial lyra. no experience necessary but familiarity with pole or lyra is helpful. Attire: shorts, tank top or sports bra/crop top, tighter clothing is preferred. No shoes, watches or jewelry of any kind allowed (this includes wedding bands/rings, body jewelry, smart watches, dangle earrings/belly rings). See you on the lollipop!
Bridging the gap from beginner to intermediate pole! Develop the strength to take your pole dancing into aerial tricks. This class will include a warm up-cool down, drills, strength training, and a peak trick to focus on. Everyone will be at different strength levels, which is okay. There will be modifications to fit your level 1 or 2 experience.
Be Prepared: Shorts or pole bottoms are required. Hydration-bring water!
Are you ready to find your confidence and style as a dancer? We will explore flexibility, floor work, spins. By the end of the class you will learn a pole combo! This class will include a warm up-cool down, practicing floor work and spins to prepare you to learn the pole combo.
Be Prepared: Knee pads, shorts or pole bottoms are required. Heels are optional. Hydration-bring water! Beginners welcome but we recommend taking at least 3 basic pole classes!
Lets find our sensuality from floor to pole! Low flow is grounded pole work without having to go aerial. This class will focus on transitions, floor work, and sensational flow. This class will include a warm up-cool down, sexy drills, and a flow choreo.
Be Prepared: Heels & knee pads required. You may also choose to wear leggings or leg warmers. Hydration-bring water! Students should take several intro classes before taking this class.
AWESOME CLASS. 20 minutes of any cardio from, Zumba, Mini Trampolines, Sexy Chair Dane, Boot Camp, Suspension Training and much more, then 20 minutes of and AWESOME AB Segment, then STRENGTH segment. Class will keep you on your toes, you will not know what 20 minutes are first. Class will be a Mash Up